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Know the facts! There are many excellent organizations researching and working to end FGM around the world. Here’s a start:
FGM Information and Resources
World Health Organization
The WHO has recently updated its report on female genital mutilation.
UNICEF provides up-to-date statistics and information regarding FGM still practiced today. It also discusses the urgency of the issue at hand and why the rate of progress being made is still not enough to tackle the problem.
Orchid Project
Equality Now
No FGM has many informational resources and an emergency number(1800 522 707).
NEFTA’s main purpose is to raise awareness of the negative affects of FMG within communities.
Education Program on FGM aims to stop the practice of FGM in New South Wales and minimize the negative effects by providing training for health professionals and an education program for communities.
Provides online information about FGM including what it is, the negative effects, why and where it is practiced, how health practitioners can help, and legal aspects.
An article about FGM in Denmark, the statistics of the practice, the harmful effects, what is being done to stop the continuation, and how the elimination should be handled.
GAMS is a charity that works mainly with the victims of FGM/child marriage and gender-based violence but also provide training programs and advocacy networks.
Institut en Sante Genesique aims to collect statistical data on all forms of violence against women. It consists of (and trains) many professionals that can asses and provide help for victims of violence. They also have a hotline(0139108535.)
Equipop fights to eliminate FGM and advocate women’s rights and health in West Africa.
Forward Germany fights against FGM, provides advice on the phone and has a fund for post-FGM reconstructive surgery.
Stop FGM Now is a campaign that brings together associations, companies, and individuals to fight FGM by raising both awareness and funds. It has many sponsors and supporters.
FULDA Mosocho Project aims for sustainable abolition of FGM mainly through seminars and practical guidance training of local professionals in Kenya. Their work is directed mainly at men rather than women.
Intact fights to end the practice of FGM, informs the public of the negative consequences and finances and coordinates projects in Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal, Benin, and Ghana.
Terre des Femmes is a women’s rights NGO with the goal of raising awareness.
Akina Dada wa Africa(AkiDwA) is an organization formed by African minority and migrant women of Ireland to bring awareness and stop FGM in Ireland. They are fighting for legislation to aid in ending the practice and also collaborate with other organizations with similar goals.
Nosotras Onlas fights for women’s rights but has a strong focus on eliminating FGM. Their efforts include training programs for teachers and doctors, programs with the Government including the Ministry for Equal Opportunities, International cooperation with Daphne project and Euronet Network, and awareness campaigns.
AIDOS aims to fight for women and girls empowerment/rights and has been working to fight FGM for over 30 years by giving financial, technical, and organization support to local NGOs working on the issue. They also have a media project in Africa called Abandoning FGM on FM(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t-lp2HiZEI ) and implement advocacy activities and training for professionals. They are a founding a member of End FGM European Network.
Pharos provides aid for FGM survivors, facts and figures on FGM, and research on how help can be applied for internationally in Netherlands and Europe. The Dutch government appointed them the national knowledge center for FGM.
FSAN’s main purpose is to support and advise the local Somali refugee organizations and Dutch institutions that work closely with Somali communities in the Netherlands. They work on collaborative projects and provide training to initiate a door-to-door campaign against FGM. They are a member of the Inter-African Committee in Europe and a founding member of the European Network against FGM.
BMC Public Health’s article about the magnitude of FGM with information about history, policies, and data sources regarding the issue.
Norway provides an information sheet about FGM in Norway with information for those seeking help which includes an application for asylum seekers (https://www.udi.no/en/want-to-apply/protection-asylum/protection-asylum-in-norway/).
Case study on the reveal of FGM case in Norrköping, Sweden in 2014. The article reveals that though Sweden was the first to criminalize FGM, not enough is being done to enforce those who continue the practice. Caution: video at bottom of page contains content that may be distressing.
Survey among gynecologists regarding FGM. This includes how many have come across the issue and how many FGM victims reside in Switzerland. The survey questions the need for more education and awareness on the issue within the country.
Human Rights Watch
2016 article about child marriage in Tanzania and the reasons why the Marriage Act needs to be revised.
The Tanzanian Law and FGM, a report by 28toomany
United Kingdom
28 Too Many works to eliminate FGM in the 28 African countries where it is still practiced. The charity works with the community to find best practices and collect key information. They create important networks across education, governments, activists and health and aim to create a domino effect to end FGM permanently.
African Well Women’s Clinic includes professionals that provide obstetric and gynecological care for victims of FGM and offer de-infibulation.
FGM National Clinical Group works with women who have been affected by FGM and work to improve their lives through coordinated clinical networks and research. They have hosted thematic conferences and launched a resource film for specialists of FGM.
FORWARD has been working for 30 years to fight against FGM. They provide training for professionals so they can respond appropriately to both affected and at risk women. They work in Europe, UK and Africa to safeguard girls at risk and support women through direct community engagement, advocacy and partnerships.
Integrate Bristol is a charity to help young immigrants to adapt and integrate. They work to support those in the community trying to eradicate FGM through various immigration and creative projects. They also push for changes in policies regarding FGM in the UK.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is a charity that works with abused children and finds the best ways to prevent and aid those who are or could be at risk, including those susceptible to FGM. They have a hotline to contact for support or for those who feel there is a child who has had or at risk of FGM ( 0800 028 3550 ).
Orchid Project is a charity working solely toward ending the practice of FGM. They advocate prioritization of the issue, shape dialogue around FGM, communicate scale and impact, how to end FGM, and support organizations in their efforts to end FGM.
Oxford Against Cutting fights against FGM in Oxfordshire by raising awareness, sharing information, and develop projects to empower young people to end the practice.
FORWARD’s Young People Speak Out against FGM (YPSO!) is a youth group fighting against FGM by empowering youth to make change, creates youth friendly FGM resources, conduct research, advise and support those effected by FGM, and create awareness though campaigns and events.
A recent event conducted was the Bristol youth march, written about on The Guardian by Nathalie Write: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/20/in-the-footsteps-of-their-mothers-bristol-youth-march-against-fgm
Youth for Change has many UK connections but is also based in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, UK and Tanzania. Their mission is to “ensure young people are influencing policy decisions that affect their lives and help to realize their rights.” They have an FGM blog on their page that includes articles of events, information and campaigns.
https://www.usaid.gov/news-information/fact-sheets/female-genital-mutilation-cutting-usg-response Fact Sheet about FGM and how the US government is responding to the issue.
News article from Newsweek discusses the statistical evidence of FGM in the States, with mention of cases and why the practice is so hard to cease.
Informs about and fights against FGM in the U.S.
The Federalist: In the Wake of Detroit Cases, American Muslims Target Female Genital Mutilation
Sedaa: FGM in America: End Cultural and Religious Based Violence
Gatestone: American Muslim Physician Says Stop Defending the Abuse of Girls and Women
Women’s Voices Now: In the Era of #MeToo, FGM Must be Seen as Sexual Violence
Women in the World: FGM Silences a Woman’s Most Primal Voice
Women in the World: Radical Empathy in Understanding the Mother-Daughter Relationship in FGM
America Matters: #StopFGM Coalition Responds to Unanimous House Vote to Triple Federal Penalties for Female Genital Mutilation
The Bridgehead: Daughters taken overseas for “vacation cutting”
America Matters: Vacations and Holidays Put Some Girls in Danger